[티져 3] 오마르와 동방전력의 신작 Sunshine/ Htalen (7인치)
오마르와 동방전력 (Omar and the Eastern Power )
Sunshine/ Htalen (7inch Vinyl)
“let go of ego and let destiny carry you, life is wild and beautiful”
Produced by Omar and the Eastern Power
Written by Omar and the Eastern Power
Lyrics by Omar Benassila
Recorded by Uncle Bongo at Bongo Studio, Purijah Records, Jeju, Korea
Mixed by Naoyuki Uchida at Makisato-Lab, Fusion, Kanagawa, Japan
Mastered by Jun Bak (Eastern Standard Sounds)
Mastered by Greg Calbi, Steve Fallone at Sterling Sound, NJ, USA
A&R Oh Jeong Seok (Eastern Standard Sounds)
Art Work by Rafi Malek aka chinchinray
Design & Manufactured by slswqcqk
Video by ABT
Distribute by Eastern Standard Sounds
[오마르와 동방전력 Omar and the Eastern Power]
Omar Benassila : Vocal, E Guitar
Jinwoo Oh: E Guitar, Vox
Tehiun: Bass, Vox
Zaky Wael: Drums, Vox